Leaders are the backbone of our movement. If you are looking for an adventure and the chance to help young people build a solid and positive foundation for their futures than you should become a Leader.
Leaders provide opportunities, inspire teamwork and perfect their abilities.
Why should I become a leader? Leaders are crucial to the success of the Scouting Movement. As a Leader you will have access to a wide variety of resources, an opportunity to give back to the community, and the experience to educate Youth Members in the values and skills most important for being a good citizen.
As a Leader you will achieve satisfaction from helping Youth Members set and achieve their own goals, while being there to help them when they fail and encourage them to continue. However, you will find that your proudest achievement will be building a strong bond of trust and friendship with the Youth Members.
What Can I Do as an Adult Leader?
As a Scouting Sectional Leader you’ll be responsible for altering your Sections Development Program to suit the particular needs of your group.
You’ll be able to turn your ideas that evolve from your brainstorming sessions with other Leaders into reality and spend an exciting day trying them out in person before approving them.
We encourage our Leaders to explore their creativity and work together while developing their programs and leading their youth.
As a Leader you can gain formal leadership qualifications, develop programs, work with like-minded individuals,
and teach young people life lessons through offering them the experiences of a lifetime.
What Section should I lead?
Joey Scout Leaders work with young people aged 5 through to 8 and they ensure that weekly meetings and activities are designed to both entertain and improve the physical and mental abilities of their Joeys.
Duty Statement - Joey Scout Section
Cub Scout Leaders work with young people aged 8 to 11 and are responsible to help develop their Cub’s imaginations and foster their creative and mental abilities.
Cub Leaders design their own activities to meet their weekly development program goals and help build confidence in their Cubs.
Duty Statement - Cub Scout Section
Scout Leaders work with young people aged 11 to 15 and foster independence and leadership in their Scouts while encouraging their teamwork abilities.
Safe use of equipment and outdoors survival is at the heart of Scouts as adventure inspires their activities.
Duty Statement - Scout Section
Venturer Scouts Leaders work with young adults aged 15 to 18 and are always available to their Venturer Scout Units to offer advice, encouragement, and support.
As a Venturer Scout Leader you encourage independence and teamwork alike, while acting as a Scouting mentor.
You’ll attend weekly meetings and supervise how your Venturer Scouts are turning their program goals into reality.
Duty Statement - Venturer Scout Section
Rover Advisors work with adults aged 18 to 25 and are called Unit Advisors.
Their responsibility is primarily to maintain close contact with the members of their Unit and to help and advise when needed.
Unit Advisors act as friends and advisors rather than "leaders".
Duty Statement - Rover Scout Section
Adult Supporters
Adult Supporters are defined as persons appointed to assist Leaders in the delivery of the Youth Program on a regular basis
and/or providing service to Scouting through membership of committees within a Group, District, Region, Branch or National level.
Adult Supporters are required to hold a Blue Card, and complete National e-Learning in Child Safe Scouting, WHS for Scouting and the Code of Conduct.
Please note that the three mandatory modules must be completed within three (3) months of joining, and re-affirmed every two (2) years.
National e-Learning
Child Safe Scouting: In this module you will learn about Child Safe Scouting and:
★ Know how our values and attitudes can impact on acknowledging child abuse and/or neglect
★ Understand how child abuse is often discounted
★ Appreciate your role as a trusted, non-threatening adult
★ Be aware of the importance of maintaining a child focus
★ Understand your responsibility to report, including suspicion of abuse.
Module Time: approximately 1 hour 39 minutes
WHS for Scouting: Although the WHS legislation is all encompassing, it was mostly written with only commercial workplaces in mind.
Working with Safework Australia, Scouts has developed a clear framework that interprets the law in the context of Scouting.
This module explains WHS in the context for Scouting.
Module Time: approximately 21 minutes
Code of Conduct: Designed to help all adults (aged 18 and over) in Scouting stay informed about the expectations
and best practices that support the well-being and safety of the young people in our organisation.
Code of Conduct (PDF 220KB)
Module Time: approximately 10 minutes
General information and images on this page © Scouts Queensland and Scouts Australia
The views expressed in this website are not necessarily those of Scouts Australia.